Research Shows Families Want Option to Donate Post-mortem Tissue
Families who lose a child to brain cancer, want doctors to give them the option to donate their child’s tissue.
Donating tissue not only contributes to research for a cure, but donating helps families grieve and see something good come from their tragic loss.
These conclusions come after surveying more than 100 families whose children died of brain cancer as detailed in an American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology article. Gift from a Child founders Al and Patti Gustafson co-authored the article, along with clinicians and researchers from seven other institutions.

Beads of Courage
Today is Mardi Gras… images of parades, King Cakes, wild parties and those ubiquitous beads are all around. For me, the Mardi Gras beads bring to mind another set of beads… Beads of Courage. Until Mikey got sick, I had no idea Beads of Courage existed. But they do. And they mean so much to…

Growing During Isolation – And the smell of fresh baked bread!
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Love and Comfort in the Final Days
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Meet Melissa Williams
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Gift from a child….for a child
In December, Swifty convened a Family Forum in Philadelphia of families who had donated their child’s post mortem brain tissue. Not exactly your typical holiday gathering, but so much good has come out of our time together. In the coming months you will be hearing a lot about the initiative that was launched at the…

Kayleigh Eisenstein – Tissue Navigator
You know how some things are sweeter because you had to wait so long to get them? Something you dreamt up, worked hard for, had to convince others about? When the planning, waiting, anticipating is finally over and it finally comes to fruition the feeling is indescribable. That’s how we felt on Friday when David…

Accepting Help From Others
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We hear it over and over again.
Our first year at ASPHO was one for the books. It was amazing to be around so many other people dedicated to the cause of fighting pediatric cancer. There were representatives from hospitals and foundations from all over the world. Seeing a case study presentation by hospitals in areas from Egypt to the U.K. to…
Why We Need a Tissue Navigator
The importance of tissue donation begins when a parent hears the life shattering news, “your child has brain cancer.” Had we known how important tissue is not only to scientific discovery, but also to a child’s cancer treatment plan, Michael may have had a very different journey. Let me explain. Cancer treatment is becoming more…