Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium (CBTTC)

Since beginning our partnership with CBTN on the Post-Mortem Tissue Donation Program in 2016, Swifty’s involvement with the consortium has continued to grow.
Why? The consortium provides free and open access research data aimed specifically at curing pediatric brain cancer. Its massive database of bio-data is ambitious, innovative, and an essential tool for collaboration among pediatric brain cancer researchers.
In addition to sponsoring the Post-Mortem Tissue Program, Swifty is a member of CBTN’s Advisory Council and Al Gustafson has served as the liaison between the CBTN Executive Committee and the 15 foundations that make up the Advisory Council. Al is currently serving on the Executive Advisory Committee for the Pediatric Brain Tumor SPORE grant being submitted by CBTN and PNOC. SPORE grant information.