As a Kennedy Junior High school counselor, I have met hundreds of families and thousands of students! My first introduction to the Gustafson Family began with Ian. He proved to be a fabulous student and a kind, caring young man! Then along came Michael and Bridget…of course, I had heard about Michael’s cancer diagnosis and my “counselor” brain began to think about ways I could help him at school. His twin sister, Bridget, was also a “counseling” concern, as one never knows the impact of such a diagnosis on siblings, not to mention a twin! So, as my thoughts turned to the students in my class, my attention laser beamed onto the Gustafsons.
Well, what I quickly learned was that they were an extremely close and supportive family. I made a couple of attempts to introduce myself and offer my counseling services to Michael and Bridget. However, both students insisted that they didn’t need my help. Michael very politely declined my offers and Bridget was a little more insistent in a 6th grade “girl” rolling of the eyes kind of way. 🙂 So, I hoped that at least they knew I was there if they ever needed anything at school. I was determined to do “something” for this family, so, if I couldn’t help them emotionally, I could help them make memories. By 8th grade, knowing of Michael’s love of sports, I managed to make arrangements for a fun, memorable evening for Michael, Bridget and friends in a limo and Chicago Bulls basketball game. Making arrangements for this, what I hoped would be a fun, memory making evening, afforded me the opportunity to get to know Patti better…
Patti and Al proved to be wonderful parents!!! After I spent time learning about their family and plans for Michael’s care, I could relax my expectations of working with the twins. They didn’t need my support, as they had the Gustafson family surrounding them with all the love and support they could possibly want and need! And then, I realized the magnitude of the peer support for Michael and Bridget. The friends in this class had been extremely supportive of this family long before we met and far beyond my reach. The Swifty Board is made up of the Gustafson family and many of the lifelong friends of Michael and Bridget! They raise money for pediatric cancer research, coming up with creative fundraisers: shaving heads, organizing dance marathons at universities, hiking the Pacific Rim Trail…just to mention a few. They work to get federal legislation passed to get better treatments for children with cancer. Working with the Swifty Foundation and continuing “Michael’s Master Plan” has even shaped the career paths of several friends and board members. Knowing that 100% of all donations goes directly to pediatric brain cancer research gives one a feeling of being more helpful to this extremely important cause. This is when I wish I were a multi-millionaire!
Because of the Swifty Foundation, made up of Gustafson family members and lifelong friends, Michael’s Master Plan is being realized…they are making a difference in the lives of children with brain cancer and beyond! And THAT is why the Swifty Foundation matters!
So honored to be a small part of the Swifty Foundation,
Linda Cusack
Retired Kennedy Junior High School Counselor