Hi everyone my name is Betsy, I want to share the importance of pediatric cancer and why it should get more attention. People say the money should be spent on research for adults, what they don’t realize is that kids become adults. But that can’t happen if they are dying from cancer because their drug treatment was 30 years old! For most kids that die from cancer it is because they are treating them for the wrong cancer because they’re cancer develops into a different type of cancer as they grow. So why spend so much money on the adults? Ask the government. Because out of every dollar they have to spend on cancer research 4 pennies go to pediatric research the rest of the 96 cents that they have goes to adult research.
If I can help you can too! My school prairie elementary school has donated to Swifty Foundation 3 years now! We do it as a competition were each homeroom has a bin that they put the money that the students bring in. Which ever homeroom has the most money wins a pizza and ice cream party the winners for this year were mrs. Dunlaps first grade class with over $500 dollars brought in a week and a half! And our second winner mrs. Brotherly-Lambs fifth grade class collected over $600 dolars in under a week and a half! In total all of our classes collected $4,086.92 dollars! So next time you are out buying yourself a treat think of a better place that that money can be spent on, think of the kids, think of there familys.
About the author
Name: Betsy Cordeiro
Age/grade: 11 years old, 5th grade
School: Prairie elementary
Favorite sports: soccer,basketball
Pet: dog (age 8), female, name bear
My Ideal Future: travel the world helping people + start charity where I teach kids for free.
Comments 1
Jeni Rogers
I am so proud of the kids at Prairie. Betsy did a fabulous job on the blog and was an active participant in our fundraising project. A job well done by awesome kids!