As we throw out bad products and fill our homes with safe ones, it’s important that we spread the word! Did you know that material suppliers are NOT required by law to disclose all the chemicals in their materials? Even more dangerous, product manufacturers often don’t ask for full disclosure of chemical ingredients. Yes, it’s scary to think that companies don’t have our best safety in mind, and some key products to keep a close eye on include children’s toys, plastic products, personal care items, and cleaning products with ingredients like “fragrances.”
It’s also important to note that while there are some measures in place to combat this issue, like the Toxic Substances Control Act, we’re seriously in need of widespread requirements to get bad products off shelves in stores. As science continues to link chemicals to childhood cancer and provide safer alternatives for our homes, businesses and governments have not just the opportunity, but the responsibility to support these findings!
We need to know what’s in our homes! #PreventChildhoodCancer #Mighty4Mikey
To date, there are no nationwide initiatives to prevent cancer in kids. I think that when it comes to something this complex, many people don’t assume that their actions can directly benefit such a critical issue. Yet, we have the ability to speak out against harmful chemicals, and demand safe materials for safe kids. We can lower rates of cancer diagnoses in kids, and it can be as easy as starting with writing to and calling on local government officials to require transparency from manufacturers, distributors, and companies putting unsafe products on their shelves. There are some regulations out there like California’s Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB-258), which requires transparency and accessibility from companies that manufacture cleaning products by disclosing all ingredients on the label and online for easy access. The more we learn about this issue, the more we see that we can make a difference in preventing childhood cancer.
Comments 1
Cindy Hassett
I love this new summer series! I use two apps: EWG Healthy Living and Think Dirty to look up products. It’s amazing and sad how many chemicals are in every day products. I will definitely check out Thanks!