Bridget is a sophomore at the University of California-Berkeley and is hoping to graduate on time (fingers crossed). She is currently studying molecular environmental biology, but is keeping an open mind and heart to see if anything else calls to her beyond her current major. Bridget absolutely knows she wants to be outside in whatever career she pursues after graduation. In addition to school, she fills her time as a member of Cal’s beach volleyball team (go Bears!), works on a project to ban the use of herbicides from campus, and attempts to become involved in all the incredible opportunities and adventures awaiting her in the Bay Area. Bridget is Michael’s twin sister, and Michael inspired in her a desire to work with vulnerable, at-risk populations who don’t have the ability or resources to help themselves. He was constantly helping others despite his own debilitating illness. Their bond is unbreakable and is only made stronger each day by the wonderful opportunity she has been given to serve as the Co-Chair of the Junior Board of the Swifty Foundation.